Scarborough Council

Scarborough Council Services

A selection of useful links to the popular services pages at the Scarborough Council website. A quick and easy reference guide to what information you can find on the Scarborough Council website.

You will find the Scarborough Council website at, you can contact them email to or telephone them on 01723 232323.

The Scarborough Council Town Hall can be found on St. Nicholas Street in Scarborough and their postcode is YO11 2HG. Have a look at their website for all department contact details.

Scarborough Council Resident & Business Services

Make a Payment to Scarborough Council to pay your business rates, council tax, overpaid housing benefit, a parking penalty charge or your sundry invoices online. You can pay any of these charges online Visa, MasterCard, Switch/Maestro and Delta cards. Just make sure you have your account reference number handy.

Bins & Recycling page allows you to report a missing bin and order a new one. You can find information on trade waste and book a clinical waste collection. You can book to have a bulky item collected and find out when your bins will be emptied.

Parking, Roads and travel page provides information on car parks and parking fines and how to get parking permits. There is also a section on roadwork’s and pothole reporting in the roads, highways and pavements section.

Planning & Regeneration gives information on making a planning application to Scarborough council and how to support or object to an application. You can find out about planning fees and view planning applications and much more.

Council & Elections page provides information about councillors including minutes, reports and agendas. You can also view petitions and the policies and strategies including crime, finance, tourism, housing and more.

Jobs & Careers page lists all the current vacancies at Scarborough council and information on equal opportunities and training and development within the council.

Council Tax page provides information on how to pay your council tax and how much your council tax will be. You can also find out about council tax benefit and information about when you have a problem paying your council tax.

Dogs & Pests page allows you to report a lost or found dog to Scarborough council via the web. You can also report dog fouling and find out about how to report a pest issue.

Sport & Leisure information page lists the swimming timetables and provides details about the Scarborough Sports Centre and the WhitLeisure Centre.

Housing page provides information about housing benefit in Scarborough and the local housing register. You can also find details on home improvements and repairs and supported and sheltered housing.

Licensing page allows you to apply for a taxi licence, a premises licence, street collection permits, film and photography permission and more.

Other Scarborough Council Services

You can find a useful selection of tourism resource links on theScarborough Council website with regards to accommodation, what’s on, food & drinks and things to see and do in Scarborough.

Other services that you might find useful at the Scarborough councilwebsite includes a page listing links to the complaints and feedback forms and information about performance and spending at the council.

You can find out the Scarborough Library contact information and details about activities at the library on the website. You can also find the library opening hours on this page and information about parking and access to the library.

You can find a whole load of jobs that are available at Scarborough Council and North Yorkshire County Council at You can search through jobs at the council salary and even upload your CV and get new jobs at the council posted to you email.

If you have any questions or require any more information about Scarborough Council just send us an email or contact us through Facebook or Twitter.