Flamingo Land Resort Yorkshire

flamingo land resort yorkshire

Flamingo Land Resort Yorkshire is a great day out for all the family young and old.

As a family with two young children (7 and 5) we visit Flamingo Land Resort Yorkshire during their Winter Special. This is when just the Zoo and Dino-Stone Park is open. We also take advantage the vouchers in the local Scarborough paper which enables us to pay only for the adults and the children go in for free (saving £15)

The first thing I noticed was that the park was still undergoing some work in anticipation for the full season starting 21st March. This work did not detract from the overall experience of our visit.

Flamingo Land Resort-Dino Stone Park.

Our boys got excited as soon as they could hear the Dinosaurs ahead of us in the Dino Stone Park which only opened in 2013.

Flamingo Land Resort-Dino Stone Park

As you make your way round, you realise that it is well thought out to engage children and get them excited, all the children I saw in the Dino Stone Park thought that the dinosaurs looked and sounded great the Pterodactyl was very life like, the Dino Stone Park also has life-like dinosaur skeletons as well as two new rides, Cyclosaar and Twistosaurus.

For more videos from our day out at Flamingo Land Resort, check out Scarborough Yorkshire YouTube channel.

Flamingo Land Resort Yorkshire-Food and Drink.

Before you get to the Baboons and Parrots, there is an area for buying food, drink and ice-creams, with plenty of seating. Also toilets are located here as well next to the ‘Little Monsters Exploratorium’

Food area at Flamingo Land

As it was a cold day on our visit the queues were fairly manageable and not too busy. We have been to Winter at Flamingo Land before, we visited two years ago and it was unusually hot 19c in March. The queues that day were very long, save yourself some time and money and bring along a picnic, there is an indoor area at the gift and coffee shop, if the weather is nice then head outside and pick one of the many gorgeous spots to enjoy your picnic and watch the animals, if you are lucky you may get a visit from one of the many peacocks which roam around the Zoo.

flamingo land resort yorkshire peacock

We took a picnic and ate it as we went and to be honest a lot of people were doing exactly the same. When you have young children they just want to eat on the go scared that they are going to miss something if they are made to sit down for any length of time.

The Zoo and the Animals.

As we made our way round the Zoo which has over 140 species of Reptiles, Mammals and Birds, the mood was happy even if the weather was a little cold and overcast.

flamingo land resort yorkshire baboonsThe Baboons were out in force and were such a delight to watch-very playful with each other and very curious of the crowd of people who were had gathered to watch them, we were lucky enough on our visit to see the baBaboon on its mother’s back.

Giraffes at Flamingo Land ZooThe exotic birds were definitely making themselves heard, we made a friend in the shape of a beautiful Peacock left to roam around and follow people which all the children seemed to enjoy.

Peacock at the zoo

I love the feel of the Flamingo Land Zoo, seeing all the wood fencing (comes from renewable sources where possible) seeing the animals looking content and well looked after.

The children enjoyed the little park that we came across half way round which gave mum and dad a chance to sit and relax whilst the boys played.

Then it was time to carry on with our little adventure, there is so much to see at Flamingo Land Zoo even when most of the park is closed.

We made our way to see the Tigers and were not disappointed, we were lucky enough to see the two young tigers, with one of them coming up to the glass to look at the people gathered to watch them.

flamingo land resort yorkshire tiger

On our visit last year we were unlucky in not seeing the Hippopotamuses, however this year we not only saw one we saw three come out of the water.

Our children were in awe of these beautiful animals as they made their way out of the water

Children’s Play Areas.

There is Mucky Duck Farm just near Children’s Planet play area. Mucky Duck Farm has Wacky Races, Helitoys, Go Gator, Galleon Play, and Tractor rides. This area is perfect for younger children they will have so much fun that it will be hard to get them to leave.

Our boys already knew where they wanted to go after we had finished seeing the animals-Children’s Planet play area. The play area is safe and very inviting to children over the age of 4 years old.

The Pirate Boat with its slide and ladders is great for younger children, the main part of Children’s Planet is more for children over the age of 5 years.

There are plenty of slides, climbing areas, tunnels, netting-plenty to keep your child engaged and interested.

Slide at Flamingo Land       Play Area   Zoo Play Area

The Rain came….

Now this is where we were when it started to rain and rain and rain, all the children quickly disappeared except our two boys. They do not care about a bit of rain as long as they can still play they are quite happy. Mum and Dad took shelter near a slide and kept warm with a cup of tea and coffee whilst the two boys carried on playing.

Flamingo Land Resort  is on a massive scale and seems worth the entrance fee, as it would really take more than a day to fully appreciate what is on offer here, we will be back as we didn’t even get around what was open on our visit.

Pirate Boat Ride at Flamingo Land

More Information

Visitors Guide for Flamingo Land Resort and Zoo.

All information and prices you will need to know

Flamingo Land Resort & Zoo fun for all the family

Flamingo Land Resort & Zoo visit the Zoo and marvel at the surroundings, grab a bite to eat or bring a picnic.