A quick reference to all the Scarborough taxi companies information including their phone numbers, their addresses and directions to find the taxi office. We have also included a link to the Scarborough taxi companies website if they have one.
We have a long list of Scarborough taxi companies for you to look at with offices located all over Scarborough. Wherever you are in Scarborough you are sure to be close to a taxi office.
If you don’t want to walk to the nearest Scarborough taxi companies office just give them a call, all the phone numbers are listed below. We have a selection of ten Scarborough taxi companies for you to choose from.
Scarborough Taxi Companies Town Centre
Beeline Radio Cars is located on Somerset Terrace, which is close to the town centre and the train station. To call for a taxi phone 01723 366666.
Boro Cars is located on Victoria Road a short walk from the Stephen Joseph Theatre and the train station. To call for a taxi phone 01723 361111.
Betty’s Dial a Car are located on Castle Road close to Dominos Pizza and a short walk from the town centre and the Scarborough Cricket ground. To call these for a taxi phone 01723 500190.
Atlas Taxis are located on St. Thomas Street in Scarborough close to all the main bars and clubs. To call these for a taxi phone 01723 363325.
Station Taxis are located at the Railway Station in Scarborough a short walk from the town centre and the Stephen Joseph Theatre. To call these for a taxi phone 01723 366366.
Scarborough Taxi Companies North Side
Radio Taxis is located on Barrowcliff Road not too far away from Peasholm Park and the North Bay beach. This taxi company has a range of mini buses and executive cars for hire, if you go to their website you can book an airport run. To call for a taxi phone 01723 373373.
Karma Taxis are located on Scholes Park Drive on the North Side of Scarborough close to Burniston Road and the Scarborough Sea Life Centre. To call these for a taxi phone 07581 222707.
Scarborough Taxi Companies South Side
Executive Cars are located on Queen Margaret’s Road, the road that links Filey Road with Seamer Road. This taxi company only hire out cars for special occasions including business travel runs, airport runs, weddings, a day at the races, theatre trips and more. Have a look at their website for further details. To book an executive car phone 01723 500048.
Nippy Taxis are located on Albion Road in the south cliff area of Scarborough. Their taxi office is a short walk away from the Esplanade and Ramshill Road, which is the road that leads into town. To call these for a taxi phone 01723 377377.
ABC Taxis are located on Ramshill Road close to the Hull University Scarborough Campus and the shops in the south cliff area of Scarborough. To call these for a taxi phone 01723 364121.
Other Scarborough Taxi Companies
If you know of any Scarborough taxi companies that are not on our list that you think should be just send us the details in an email.
We would like to know about any experiences you have had with any of these Scarborough taxi companies, good or bad so that we can pass this information on to our visitors. We would like to know what you thought of the service and the price for the ride.
You can leave a comment on this page to tell us about your experiences of any of these Scarborough taxi companies, note down the ones you have used and can recommend.
If you would like any more information on any of the Scarborough taxi companies just send us an email or message us through Facebook or Twitter and we will get back to you as soon as we can.